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To understand why the condition of the mouth and teeth is of such paramount importance to our health, quality of life and life expectancy, we need to remember.

Biological dentistry

Interfering fields of the jaws and teeth, root canal treatment, orthodontic prevention and early treatment


Implant planning, diagnostics and ceramic implantation

Vital aesthetics

Amalgam removal, prophylaxis and periodontal treatment


We will be happy to answer your questions here. 

What speaks in favour of ceramic implants?

Of all the materials used in dentistry, none perform as well biologically and aesthetically as ceramics. They are bacteria-repellent, electroneutral and corrosion-free. They have no collector effects (antenna effect) for the increasing environmental pollution with electromagnetic smog. They are also highly tissue-friendly.

Is nitrous oxide more detailed?

Nitrous oxide is a non-toxic gas called nitrogen oxydul (N2O). Pure oxygen is mixed with it. It has a strong anxiety-relieving and also exhilarating effect. This reduces the adrenaline level and the treatment can be more relaxed. The need for local anaesthetic also decreases. The patient remains fully responsive. The effect wears off within a few minutes after discontinuation. There is no prolonged incapacity to drive.

What is an immediate restoration?

The inserted implants are immediately restored with crowns; in our hands usually with temporary crowns and bridges until complete healing.

What is immediate implantation?

Immediate implantation means that the implants are inserted immediately after the diseased teeth have been removed.  Crowns are also usually fitted in our practice at the same appointment.

What is hearth or interference field remediation?

Dead or diseased teeth are often the cause of complaints in completely different parts of the body. They play an often unrecognised role in the majority of chronic, but also in many acute diseases ... These are referred to as "herd diseases".

Many chronically ill patients are referred or seek out a holistic dental practice to have diseased teeth/tooth foci/disorders removed and replaced with high quality and biologically sound ceramic dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots on the basis of which gaps between teeth can be closed. This makes sense for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Implants are firmly anchored in the bone and can be compared to natural teeth in terms of stability. An implant system consists of the artificial tooth root and a dental prosthesis attached to the tooth root. Implants can be used to replace individual teeth, but also to create fixed bridges or corresponding anchorages for removable dentures.

Are rejections or allergies possible with implants?

Dental implants are usually made of metallic titanium (grey metal) or zirconium dioxide, an all-ceramic white material. We prefer ceramic implants, as rejections or allergies are not to be expected with this metal-free restoration. There are currently no known intolerance reactions to zirconium ceramics.
That is why we now almost exclusively use ceramic implants.

How long do dental implants last?

Implants are the basis for high-quality dentures with a correspondingly long service life. With appropriate dental care, implant-supported dentures last significantly longer than traditional restorations.

Are there any temporary gaps between the teeth visible after the implantation?

During the healing phase of the implants, a temporary denture is used so that there are no visible gaps between the teeth. This temporary denture is also a protection against premature loading.

What are the advantages of implants compared to conventional treatment?

In terms of functionality, dental implants are quite comparable to natural teeth. Furthermore, in case of tooth loss, it is not necessary to grind down healthy teeth, as is the case with a bridge restoration. Healthy teeth remain healthy and missing teeth are professionally replaced. The top priority is still always to preserve the patient's own tooth substance. Implants are used when the natural tooth is missing or the existing natural tooth cannot be preserved in all probability.

What do implants cost?

It is not possible to make a binding general statement about the costs of dental implants. The amount of the costs depends on the respective findings of the patient. How high the costs are also depends on the number of implants. Patients receive detailed advice and of course a cost estimate during the planning process.

Do health insurance companies pay for implants?

The statutory health insurance does not cover the costs of implants. However, it may be possible to be reimbursed for the share in the amount of the standard care. People with statutory health insurance have the option of taking out supplementary dental insurance, through which part of the costs can be settled. Implant treatment is usually included in the insurance policies of private health insurers.

The amount of the premium for supplementary dental insurance depends on several factors. At the web address www.waizmanntabelle.de it is possible to compare all important supplementary dental insurances with regard to their costs and the benefits offered.

Is the implantation painful?

Der Eingriff wird grundsätzlich unter örtlicher Betäubung durchgeführt. Auf Patientenwunsch kann Die Behandlung auch unter Lachgassedierung oder Vollnarkose erfolgen. Die Implantation ist nicht schmerzhafter als eine Zahnextraktion. Oft sogar deutlich unspektakulärer.

Can implants be used in all patients?

Not every patient has a strong enough jawbone from the beginning to place an implant. In this case, the bone can be artificially built up in advance. We will be happy to explain details on this topic in a personal consultation.

How long does the healing process take for implants?

Healing usually takes between two and four months.

Can complications arise?

Occasionally, inflammation occurs during the healing of the implants. To avoid the development of bone loss, inflammations require treatment. In the worst case, bone loss leads to the failure of the implants. 

Was ist bei der Mundpflege nach einer Implantation zu berücksichtigen?

Initially, the implant site is not resilient, so caution is also required when cleaning the teeth. To prevent inflammation, the mouth area requires thorough care. Our patients receive important information on care from our trained prophylaxis assistants. Basically, the care of implants requires as much attention as the care of natural teeth. After an implantation, regular follow-up care must take place in the practice that carried out the treatment - for legal reasons alone.

Ceramic implants have some pleasant special features: Due to the tooth-like colour, ceramic implants can be integrated very harmoniously into the tooth row.

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